Unable to Convert OpenVZ to LXC


Mar 29, 2017
I've been banging my head against this issue for a while. I am coming from a pure OpenVZ setup looking to migrate into ProxMox. I have create backups of all of my containers (both compressed and not). I have also setup ProxMox on-top of an already installed Debian system.

I cannot, however, manage to convert the backups. Regardless as to what I try I am always met with the following error:

root@s2:/var/lib/vz/dump# pct restore 100 vzdump-openvz-100-2017_03_28-21_32_53.tar
Formatting '/var/lib/vz/images/100/vm-100-disk-1.raw', fmt=raw size=2361393152
mke2fs 1.42.12 (29-Aug-2014)
Discarding device blocks: done
Creating filesystem with 576512 4k blocks and 144288 inodes
Filesystem UUID: 62f7effc-db85-4b1a-b3d2-54c25a855af8
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912

Allocating group tables: done
Writing inode tables: done
Creating journal (16384 blocks): done
Multiple mount protection is enabled with update interval 5 seconds.
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

extracting archive '/var/lib/vz/dump/vzdump-openvz-100-2017_03_28-21_32_53.tar'
Total bytes read: 888156160 (848MiB, 98MiB/s)
can't lock file '/var/lock/pve-manager/pve-storage-local' - can't open file - No such file or directory
open '/bin/sh' failed: No such file or directory
CT architecture detection failed, falling back to amd64.
Edit the config in /etc/pve/nodes/{node}/lxc/{vmid}.conf to set another architecture.
Converting OpenVZ configuration to LXC.
Please check the configuration and reconfigure the network.
unable to detect OS distribution

Attempting to go to the config file location yields no results since the conversion never actually takes place..

Edit: Realized I forgot to include the OS and all that. The container is running Debian 8 generated from one of the default OpenVZ templates.
root@s1:~# lsb_release -da
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 8.7 (jessie)
Release: 8.7
Codename: jessie
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try to make a new CT and use as Template the OpenVZ backup.