This is PVE,
not a NAS. Why (and how) would you try to upload pictures to a
virtualization host?
Please start by giving us some information, like the copy-n-pasted output of some commands, run on a PVE host (either via SSH or via "Datacenter --> <one Node> --> Shell", both ways allow copy-n-paste):
PVE System information:
pveversion -v
apt update && apt -d -y full-upgrade
# update package list and download (not:install) packages
Basic network information:
ip address show
# currently active IP addresses on one NODE
ip route show
# currently active routing table on one NODE
cat /etc/network/interfaces
# configuration of the network and/or ifquery -a
for comparison from one NODE
cat /etc/resolv.conf
# DNS resolver settings
ping -c 1 -W 1
# a simple "ping" to verify outgoing routing
# a simple DNS lookup to verify reachable DNS servers
Those are examples. You may add/edit commands and options if you can enrich the information given. Oh, and please put each command in a separate
-block for better readability.