Ubuntu guest locking up after migration


Renowned Member
Dec 5, 2009
Hi All

I 've got an issue with Ubuntu 8.04, 9.04 and 9.10 guests where they lock up after live migration but only if I have more than 1 CPU enabled (in the guest config) (I'm upgraded to the latest of everything including the test archive)

I'm using both virtio and virtnet, but I have tried using ide and rtl3189 and get the same results.

The really strange thing is that any Centos 5.x bases distro works perfectly. I can happily live migration them till them cows come home.

The only real difference which could affect this type of result is the guest kernel version.

Happy to hear anyone's ideas.

It would seem as if debian lenny has the same issues.

I'm going to try 32bit guests now and see what happens with these.

No Debian i386 has issues also.

So to recap Centos 5.4,3,2 64bit using virtio and virtnet work perfectly with multicpu.

Using a single cpu all guests work.

Has no one else has this problem ?

The developer mailing list is very clear about it being an issue.

AFAIK that fix is already committed to the git repository. So it will be included with the next kvm release.