I have a few computer in Hetzner hosting.
I have two network card int this machine, one have a public ip address, one have a private.
In the private network i have a few computers in the 192.168.20.x range.
I would like to start vm that able to work on the 192.168.20.x private network.
I created a bridge
And createing nic in the vm with bridged mode.
It is working fine, the vms able to ping other physical machine in the network fine.
The problem starts, when i try to connect the vm from the host, or forward ports from the public ip to vm. Any advice?
I have a few computer in Hetzner hosting.
I have two network card int this machine, one have a public ip address, one have a private.
In the private network i have a few computers in the 192.168.20.x range.
I would like to start vm that able to work on the 192.168.20.x private network.
I created a bridge
auto enp4s0
iface enp4s0 inet static
address xx.yy.zz.ii
gateway xx.yy.zz.1
auto enp5s0
iface enp5s0 inet static
auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
bridge_ports enp5s0
bridge_stp off
bridge_fd 0
And createing nic in the vm with bridged mode.
It is working fine, the vms able to ping other physical machine in the network fine.
The problem starts, when i try to connect the vm from the host, or forward ports from the public ip to vm. Any advice?