Hi. This is my first post in the forums, but I'm excited about being a part of this community. I started using Proxmox last week, and I am in the process of moving many of my production servers to it. It seems really cool. I have only tried paravirtualized machines, as they seem to work fine for my needs and require less resources. I am running into trouble setting the time on the machines. I run "tzselect" as required by the instructions, and everything appears to set correctly (I am GMT-8 - Pacific Standard Time). BUT, when I type "date" into the terminal for my virtual server, it just continues to show the time in GMT (for my Ubuntu machines) and MST for my CentOS installs. I have checked the time on my proxmox server, and it appears to be fine, but for whatever reason, my machines won't set the correct timezone. Has anyone else experienced this? It is driving me crazy!