This was never answered on prior forum - local versus local-zfs vanilla install image location issue


New Member
Jan 5, 2025
Okay, to me, this seems like a bug. I did the vanilla install - no frills - 8.3 latest proxmox. And yet, I have the issues seen in a post from 2021.
My search took me to:
(snippet below for context)

Why does a typical install of proxmox not take into consideration that we only are given a limited option, when we install a VM into proxmox?
I could be missing something, but no images exist in "/var/lib/vz/image" - so, is this documented somewhere that, "Oh, btw, if you don't explicitly somehow know to put your images in that exact place, then things like cloning won't work?" Again, I may have missed where this is a known thing,
but all I did is install proxmox. So my images went to "local/ISO Images", the actual "Disks" went to "local-zfs/VM Disks" as typical 'raw' disks (vm-202-disk-0, etc.)

Below is some of the context of the never-answered question, at least on that above link:
// begin context
Mar 30, 2021 oguz said:
probably because you chose the local-lvm storage for your VMs as you were creating them. if you move
the disks to local storage then you should see them. you can move the disks in the VM -> Hardware menu.

also make sure that the local storage allows disk images: Datacenter- > Storage ->
local -> double click -> Content -> Disk images

Pranit said:
yes , im aware of the fact after changing storage to local while VM creation will sort the issue but the
size of this local storage is just around 93.99GB . can i increase this local volume?? OR how can we set
path to local-lvm as like path to local storage is set.
// end context

So, I am asking: can someone please give better direction about initial and follow-on setup of proxmox, so that things like "migrate" and "clone" will work, out of the box? As it stands, I could have set it up wrong - ? I was following what I thought were basic steps.

Basically, the way I found out there are issues are when I go to "clone" and the logs shows "failed...blah blah, disk
Jan 05 10:20:55 proxbox1 pvedaemon[23754]: VM 203 qmp command failed - VM 203 qmp command 'block-job-cancel' failed - Block job 'drive-efidisk0' not found

Now granted, above, the person (oguz) says "you can move the disks," but why should you have to? There did not seem to be an alternate place to choose, when creating VMs and it seemed to default to 'local-zfs'. Is there place where the default needs to be changed in the config?

So, the actual questions:
1. What is the normal way to setup proxmox so that it knows the proper location of both images and disks (so that uploaded images go to the /var/lib/vz/images location)?
2. If I did not initially set it up that way - Can I re-point proxmox, so it uses the place where my disks and images reside?
2a. Or, is it better, since proxmox defaults to "/var/lib/vz" to just move images and such to that location?
3. And finally, if I'm forced to use "local," and the size is limited, can the size be easily increased, without rebuilding everything?
The one person above mentioned that his "local" storage area is only 100GB, and asked if it can be expanded.

If 'moving' the images is the right/best thing, so that they will clone properly, then I'll do that, but I figured I would ask the above, to get clarification.
Thanks in advance for any insights!
yolo. [UPDATE: Found out we can move the EFI disk and not have to move the HD itself, so that's not as bad/disruptive, but this still seems like a bug] Once moved, the various images clone fine.
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