I want to convert an OpenVZ container into a template. I can see how to do this for KVM (there is a menu item) but there is no similar menu for OpenVZ.
http://www.jamescoyle.net/how-to/29...emplate-from-an-existing-template-for-proxmox shows how to do this on the command line
http://www.jamescoyle.net/how-to/1336-add-create-openvz-template-to-the-proxmox-web-gui provides a patch stating:
External patches proliferates use-case fragmentation, risks code drift and legitimizes the practice of more patching. That leads to unstability, hampers upgrades and can affect reputation of both stability and ease of use.
It seems to me that it's better to incorporate this feature and mark as caveats than leave it out in patch-land.
Regards, Martin.
I want to convert an OpenVZ container into a template. I can see how to do this for KVM (there is a menu item) but there is no similar menu for OpenVZ.
http://www.jamescoyle.net/how-to/29...emplate-from-an-existing-template-for-proxmox shows how to do this on the command line
http://www.jamescoyle.net/how-to/1336-add-create-openvz-template-to-the-proxmox-web-gui provides a patch stating:
The changes were declined by the Proxmox team on the grounds that creating a template is a technical process and may not result in creating a working, cloned instance. In addition, it is very easy to leave sensitive information in the CT which is the source of the template – all data on the CTs file system will be archived into the template making it available the next time a CT is created. If SSH keys are left on the CT, for example, then they will be available in the new CT also.
- Why is this okay for KVM and not for OpenVZ?
- Users of template containers are typically savvy administrators. A warning would suffice.
- There are some common scenarios, such as SSH keys. These can be detected and further warned about.
External patches proliferates use-case fragmentation, risks code drift and legitimizes the practice of more patching. That leads to unstability, hampers upgrades and can affect reputation of both stability and ease of use.
It seems to me that it's better to incorporate this feature and mark as caveats than leave it out in patch-land.
Regards, Martin.