TASK ERROR: activating LV 'pve/vm-100-disk-0' failed: device-mapper: reload ioctl on (253:7) failed: No data available


New Member
Jul 30, 2024
Hi, after a power loss proxmox displays a message when trying to start the machine:
"TASK ERROR: activating LV ‘pve/vm-100-disk-0’ failed: device-mapper: reload ioctl on (253:7) failed: no data available’ "

below the command logs

lvs -o name,metadata_percent,data_percent,chunk_size,size --all
LV                                            Meta%  Data%  Chunk  LSize 
  base-105-disk-0                                                 0   40.00g
  base-106-disk-0                                                 0   40.00g
  base-108-disk-0                                                 0   32.00g
  base-902-disk-0                                                 0   40.00g
  base-905-disk-0                                                 0   32.00g
  data                                          0.24   0.00   64.00k  <5.31t
  [data_tdata]                                                    0   <5.31t
  [data_tmeta]                                                    0   15.81g
  [lvol0_pmspare]                                                 0   15.81g
  root                                                            0   96.00g
  snap_vm-102-disk-0_first_test                                   0   32.00g
  snap_vm-109-disk-0_BeforeOpenVasClear                           0   64.00g
  snap_vm-203-disk-0_snapshot-2023-10-12--11-50                   0   40.00g
  snap_vm-204-disk-0_snapshot-2023-10-12--11-50                   0   40.00g
  snap_vm-205-disk-0_snapshot-2023-10-12--11-51                   0   40.00g
  snap_vm-206-disk-0_snapshot-2023-10-12--11-52                   0   40.00g
  snap_vm-501-disk-0_Install                                      0   60.00g
  snap_vm-502-disk-0_Install                                      0    4.00m
  snap_vm-502-disk-1_Install                                      0    4.00m
  snap_vm-502-disk-2_Install                                      0   64.00g
  snap_vm-802-disk-0_boot_errror                                  0    4.00m
  snap_vm-802-disk-1_boot_errror                                  0   96.00g
  snap_vm-802-disk-2_boot_errror                                  0    4.00m
  snap_vm-802-disk-3_boot_errror                                  0  512.00g
  snap_vm-907-disk-0_ExtraTools                                   0    4.00m
  snap_vm-907-disk-0_TiaPortal17NewInstallation                   0    4.00m
  snap_vm-907-disk-1_ExtraTools                                   0    4.00m
  snap_vm-907-disk-1_TiaPortal17NewInstallation                   0    4.00m
  snap_vm-907-disk-2_ExtraTools                                   0   64.00g
  snap_vm-907-disk-2_TiaPortal17NewInstallation                   0   64.00g
  swap                                                            0    8.00g
  vm-100-disk-0                                                   0   32.00g
  vm-101-disk-0                                                   0  128.00g
  vm-101-disk-1                                                   0    1.50t
  vm-102-disk-0                                                   0   32.00g
  vm-102-state-first_test                                         0  <16.49g
  vm-104-disk-0                                                   0    4.00m
  vm-104-disk-1                                                   0    4.00m
  vm-104-disk-2                                                   0  128.00g
  vm-105-cloudinit                                                0    4.00m
  vm-106-cloudinit                                                0    4.00m
  vm-109-disk-0                                                   0   64.00g
  vm-110-disk-0                                                   0   32.00g
  vm-111-disk-0                                                   0   64.00g
  vm-112-disk-0                                                   0   32.00g
  vm-113-disk-0                                                   0   32.00g
  vm-114-disk-0                                                   0   32.00g
  vm-115-disk-0                                                   0   32.00g
  vm-201-disk-0                                                   0   40.00g
  vm-203-cloudinit                                                0    4.00m
  vm-203-disk-0                                                   0   40.00g
  vm-203-state-snapshot-2023-10-12--11-50                         0   <8.49g
  vm-204-cloudinit                                                0    4.00m
  vm-204-disk-0                                                   0   40.00g
  vm-204-state-snapshot-2023-10-12--11-50                         0   <8.49g
  vm-205-cloudinit                                                0    4.00m
  vm-205-disk-0                                                   0   40.00g
  vm-205-state-snapshot-2023-10-12--11-51                         0   <8.49g
  vm-206-cloudinit                                                0    4.00m
  vm-206-disk-0                                                   0   40.00g
  vm-206-state-snapshot-2023-10-12--11-52                         0   <8.49g
  vm-501-disk-0                                                   0   60.00g
  vm-501-state-Install                                            0  <16.49g
  vm-502-disk-0                                                   0    4.00m
  vm-502-disk-1                                                   0    4.00m
  vm-502-disk-2                                                   0   64.00g
  vm-502-state-Install                                            0  <16.49g
  vm-510-disk-0                                                   0   50.00g
  vm-601-disk-0                                                   0   32.00g
  vm-801-disk-0                                                   0   64.00g
  vm-802-disk-0                                                   0    4.00m
  vm-802-disk-1                                                   0   96.00g
  vm-802-disk-2                                                   0    4.00m
  vm-802-disk-3                                                   0  536.00g
  vm-906-disk-0                                                   0    4.00m
  vm-906-disk-1                                                   0    4.00m
  vm-906-disk-2                                                   0   64.00g
  vm-907-disk-0                                                   0    4.00m
  vm-907-disk-1                                                   0    4.00m
  vm-907-disk-2                                                   0   64.00g
  vm-915-disk-0                                                   0   32.00g
  vm-916-disk-0                                                   0   32.00g
  vm-999-disk-0                                        0.00       0   10.00g

lsblk -a
NAME                         MAJ:MIN RM  SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT
loop0                          7:0    0    0B  0 loop 
loop1                          7:1    0    0B  0 loop 
loop2                          7:2    0    0B  0 loop 
loop3                          7:3    0    0B  0 loop 
loop4                          7:4    0    0B  0 loop 
loop5                          7:5    0    0B  0 loop 
loop6                          7:6    0    0B  0 loop 
loop7                          7:7    0    0B  0 loop 
sda                            8:0    0  5.5T  0 disk 
├─sda1                         8:1    0 1007K  0 part 
├─sda2                         8:2    0    1G  0 part 
└─sda3                         8:3    0  5.5T  0 part 
  ├─pve-swap                 253:0    0    8G  0 lvm  [SWAP]
  ├─pve-root                 253:1    0   96G  0 lvm  /
  ├─pve-data_tmeta           253:2    0 15.8G  0 lvm  
  │ └─pve-data-tpool         253:4    0  5.3T  0 lvm  
  │   ├─pve-data             253:5    0  5.3T  1 lvm  
  │   └─pve-vm--999--disk--0 253:6    0   10G  0 lvm  
  └─pve-data_tdata           253:3    0  5.3T  0 lvm  
    └─pve-data-tpool         253:4    0  5.3T  0 lvm  
      ├─pve-data             253:5    0  5.3T  1 lvm  
      └─pve-vm--999--disk--0 253:6    0   10G  0 lvm  
sdb                            8:16   0  2.7T  0 disk 
└─sdb1                         8:17   0  2.7T  0 part /mnt/pve/DIR01

root@host1:/# thin_check /dev/mapper/pve-data
examining superblock
  superblock is corrupt
    bad checksum in superblock, wanted 487673258

root@host1:/# lvchange -a n pve/data
root@host1:/# lvconvert --repair pve/data
  Active pools cannot be repaired.  Use lvchange -an first.

Machine vm-999 was created after the whole incident and is working correctly, only problem with machines created earlier.
root@host1:/# lvchange -a n pve/data
root@host1:/# lvconvert --repair pve/data
  Active pools cannot be repaired.  Use lvchange -an first.
make sure you have a backup for all VMs/containers that do still work first!

Proxmox VE will automatically activate an enabled LVM-thin storage. So when you have some downtime where you don't need to guests accessing the storage, use pvesm set local-lvm --disable to prevent that activation and then try again to repair. Afterwards, use pvesm set local-lvm --delete disable to enable the storage again.

make sure you have a backup for all VMs/containers that do still work first!

Proxmox VE will automatically activate an enabled LVM-thin storage. So when you have some downtime where you don't need to guests accessing the storage, use pvesm set local-lvm --disable to prevent that activation and then try again to repair. Afterwards, use pvesm set local-lvm --delete disable to enable the storage again.
I deactived pool and run repair. Now system created information:

LV pve/data_meta0 holds a backup of the unrepaired metadata. Use lvremove when no longer required.

Non of the machines can be started.

Any clue for next step?
Did you enable the storage again? What is the exact error now?

I'd attempt to fix the new error first, but if nothing works, you could try to roll back to the unrepaired metadata or restore the guests from backup.


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