Suggestion: Spam-Quarantine - View all spam Mails

Feb 4, 2021

I'd like to see an admin only view for ALL spam in the spam-quarantine and not only selective by receiver-address. This view is for admin use only, and it would help to catch all the spam (or false-positives) with identical subject (sortable columns). The view should support multi-selecting of the mails and some actions like "delete" and "deliver".
We don't want our users to interact with the external quarantine and for optimizing spamfiltering we want to see why false-positive mails are getting blocked.

You have a very identical view in the "tracking center" and routines for deleting/delivering the "spam" are ready. This feature for an admin only managed relay will save a lots of time inspecting/managing the quarantine.

Thanks for this very good piece of software and please think about my wish! :)

Thanks! Sounds great! The current "by receiver" system is good, if you have 1-25 users to manage. But I work for a company with 100+ users. The old gateway was also postfix, sa, amavis... hand optimized. End-Users should shout if they are receiving real spam as legit mail in their Mailbox. I want to make sure that they have nothing to do with the opposite case. I also know privacy is important for everyone! Maybe a receiver-adresses can be individually flagged with an "wants all spam-quarantined email" (NOT Virus or bad attachment!) So the enduser can inform the admin of spams later on and is sure the passed false-positives are not viewed in the quarantine by someone else. Maybe this ia a solution that makes everyone happy.

Thanks again!
