[SOLVED] Spamassassin update problem


New Member
Aug 25, 2023

I don't know if it's just me or if others are having the same problem.

But even if Spamassassin updates are made manually or automatically, the "Last Update" date remains on June 18, 2024. The version number is also outdated (1918363).



Even though the version and last update date on the GUI screen are old, everything looks normal when I start the update with the sa-update -D command.

root@hydrogen-pmg:~# sa-update -D                       
Jul  6 11:40:40.677 [1915888] dbg: logger: adding facilities: all
Jul  6 11:40:40.677 [1915888] dbg: logger: logging level is DBG
Jul  6 11:40:40.677 [1915888] dbg: generic: SpamAssassin version 4.0.1
Jul  6 11:40:40.677 [1915888] dbg: generic: Perl 5.036000, PREFIX=/usr, DEF_RULES_DIR=/usr/share/spamassassin, LOCAL_RULES_DIR=/etc/mail/spamassassin, LOCAL_STATE_DIR=/var/lib/spamassassin
Jul  6 11:40:40.677 [1915888] dbg: config: timing enabled
Jul  6 11:40:40.678 [1915888] dbg: config: score set 0 chosen.
Jul  6 11:40:40.680 [1915888] dbg: generic: sa-update version 4.0.1 / svn1914735
Jul  6 11:40:40.680 [1915888] dbg: generic: using update directory: /var/lib/spamassassin/4.000001
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: perl platform: 5.036000 linux
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: Digest::SHA, version 6.02
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: HTML::Parser, version 3.81
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: Net::DNS, version 1.36
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: NetAddr::IP, version  4.079
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: Time::HiRes, version 1.977
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: Archive::Tar, version 2.40
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] module installed: IO::Zlib, version 1.11
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module not installed: Digest::SHA1 ('require' failed)
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module installed: MIME::Base64, version 3.16
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module installed: DB_File, version 1.857
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module installed: Net::SMTP, version 3.14
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module not installed: Net::LibIDN2 ('require' failed)
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module not installed: Net::LibIDN ('require' failed)
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module installed: Mail::SPF, version v2.009
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module not installed: MaxMind::DB::Reader ('require' failed)
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module not installed: MaxMind::DB::Reader::XS ('require' failed)
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module installed: Geo::IP, version 1.51
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module not installed: IP::Country::DB_File ('require' failed)
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module not installed: IP::Country::Fast ('require' failed)
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module installed: Razor2::Client::Agent, version 2.84
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module installed: IO::Socket::IP, version 0.41
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module installed: IO::Socket::INET6, version 2.73
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module installed: IO::Socket::SSL, version 2.081
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module installed: Compress::Zlib, version 2.106
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module installed: Mail::DKIM, version 1.20230212
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module installed: DBI, version 1.643
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module not installed: DBD::SQLite ('require' failed)
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module installed: LWP::Protocol::https, version 6.10
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module installed: LWP::UserAgent, version 6.68
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module installed: Encode::Detect::Detector, version 1.01
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module not installed: Net::Patricia ('require' failed)
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module installed: Net::CIDR::Lite, version 0.22
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module installed: Net::DNS::Nameserver, version 1860
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module not installed: BSD::Resource ('require' failed)
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module installed: Archive::Zip, version 1.68
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module not installed: IO::String ('require' failed)
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module installed: Email::Address::XS, version 1.05
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module not installed: Mail::DMARC ('require' failed)
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module installed: Devel::Cycle, version 1.12
Jul  6 11:40:40.766 [1915888] dbg: diag: [...] optional module not installed: Text::Diff ('require' failed)
Jul  6 11:40:40.767 [1915888] dbg: gpg: Searching for 'gpg'
Jul  6 11:40:40.767 [1915888] dbg: util: current PATH is: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
Jul  6 11:40:40.767 [1915888] dbg: util: executable for gpg was found at /usr/bin/gpg
Jul  6 11:40:40.767 [1915888] dbg: gpg: found /usr/bin/gpg
Jul  6 11:40:40.767 [1915888] dbg: gpg: release trusted key id list: 5E541DC959CB8BAC7C78DFDC4056A61A5244EC45 0C2B1D7175B852C64B3CDC716C55397824F434CE
Jul  6 11:40:40.768 [1915888] dbg: util: secure_tmpfile created a temporary file /tmp/.spamassassin1915888AVPZLgtmp
Jul  6 11:40:40.768 [1915888] dbg: channel: attempting channel updates.spamassassin.org
Jul  6 11:40:40.768 [1915888] dbg: channel: using existing directory /var/lib/spamassassin/4.000001/updates_spamassassin_org
Jul  6 11:40:40.768 [1915888] dbg: channel: channel cf file /var/lib/spamassassin/4.000001/updates_spamassassin_org.cf
Jul  6 11:40:40.768 [1915888] dbg: channel: channel pre file /var/lib/spamassassin/4.000001/updates_spamassassin_org.pre
Jul  6 11:40:40.768 [1915888] dbg: channel: metadata version = 1918928, from file /var/lib/spamassassin/4.000001/updates_spamassassin_org.cf
Jul  6 11:40:40.774 [1915888] dbg: dns: 1.0.4.updates.spamassassin.org => 1918928, parsed as 1918928
Jul  6 11:40:40.774 [1915888] dbg: channel: current version is 1918928, new version is 1918928, skipping channel
Jul  6 11:40:40.774 [1915888] dbg: diag: updates complete, exiting with code 1

I'm using the latest version of PMG and have applied all other updates.
proxmox-mailgateway-container: 8.1.0
pmg-api: 8.1.2
pmg-gui: 4.1.1
clamav-daemon: 1.0.5+dfsg-1~deb12u1
ifupdown: residual config
ifupdown2: 3.2.0-1+pmx8
libarchive-perl: 3.6.2
libjs-extjs: 7.0.0-4
libjs-framework7: 4.4.7-2
libproxmox-acme-perl: 1.5.1
libproxmox-acme-plugins: 1.5.1
libpve-apiclient-perl: 3.3.2
libpve-common-perl: 8.2.1
libpve-http-server-perl: 5.1.0
libxdgmime-perl: 1.1.0
lvm2: not correctly installed
pmg-docs: 8.1.1
pmg-i18n: 3.2.2
pmg-log-tracker: 2.5.0
proxmox-mini-journalreader: 1.4.0
proxmox-spamassassin: 4.0.1-1
proxmox-widget-toolkit: 4.2.3
pve-xtermjs: 5.3.0-3
dns: 1.0.4.updates.spamassassin.org => 1918928, parsed as 1918928
I get version 1918962 here.
SA-updates and versions are communicated via DNS - maybe your DNS-Server is caching answers for too long?

what's the output of:
dig txt 1.0.4.updates.spamassassin.org
(you might need to install the bind9-dnsutils package for dig)
Hi Stoiko,

I also get answer 1918962 today.
1.0.4.updates.spamassassin.org. 3122 IN CNAME   3.3.3.updates.spamassassin.org.
3.3.3.updates.spamassassin.org. 3217 IN TXT     "1918962"

and sa-update -D output is also confirm version 1918962
Jul  8 11:31:47.170 [1961095] dbg: util: current PATH is: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
Jul  8 11:31:47.170 [1961095] dbg: util: executable for gpg was found at /usr/bin/gpg
Jul  8 11:31:47.170 [1961095] dbg: gpg: found /usr/bin/gpg
Jul  8 11:31:47.170 [1961095] dbg: gpg: release trusted key id list: 5E541DC959CB8BAC7C78DFDC4056A61A5244EC45 0C2B1D7175B852C64B3CDC716C55397824F434CE
Jul  8 11:31:47.171 [1961095] dbg: util: secure_tmpfile created a temporary file /tmp/.spamassassin1961095g01U2Ytmp
Jul  8 11:31:47.171 [1961095] dbg: channel: attempting channel updates.spamassassin.org
Jul  8 11:31:47.171 [1961095] dbg: channel: using existing directory /var/lib/spamassassin/4.000001/updates_spamassassin_org
Jul  8 11:31:47.171 [1961095] dbg: channel: channel cf file /var/lib/spamassassin/4.000001/updates_spamassassin_org.cf
Jul  8 11:31:47.171 [1961095] dbg: channel: channel pre file /var/lib/spamassassin/4.000001/updates_spamassassin_org.pre
Jul  8 11:31:47.171 [1961095] dbg: channel: metadata version = 1918962, from file /var/lib/spamassassin/4.000001/updates_spamassassin_org.cf
Jul  8 11:31:47.177 [1961095] dbg: dns: 1.0.4.updates.spamassassin.org => 1918962, parsed as 1918962
Jul  8 11:31:47.177 [1961095] dbg: channel: current version is 1918962, new version is 1918962, skipping channel
Jul  8 11:31:47.177 [1961095] dbg: diag: updates complete, exiting with code 1

But at GUI I could not see the update information of 1918962 and Last Update date not updated.
BTW, I checked GUI before and after execute sa-update -D

Thank you
What happens when you click on Update in the GUI?

If this does not help - please check the journal for any errors from pmg-daily or the update task...
Manuel update from GUI and also (I guess) pmg-daily or sa-update from CLI is working without any problem.
I can see the latest version number on file /var/lib/spamassassin/4.000001/updates_spamassassin_org.cf

But the problem is Last Update and Version columns are not updated on GUI.
* When did you install updates last time?
* what's the output of `pmgversion -v`?
* do you have any modifications in place?
* does the issue persist if you restart pmgdaemon and pmgproxy?
* When did you install updates last time?
- I always keep PMG up-to-date (using no-subscription repo).

* what's the output of `pmgversion -v`?
pmgversion -v
proxmox-mailgateway-container: 8.1.0 (API: 8.1.2/c979cfd1d78a, running kernel: 6.5.13-5-pve)
pmg-api: 8.1.2
pmg-gui: 4.1.1
clamav-daemon: 1.0.5+dfsg-1~deb12u1
ifupdown: residual config
ifupdown2: 3.2.0-1+pmx8
libarchive-perl: 3.6.2
libjs-extjs: 7.0.0-4
libjs-framework7: 4.4.7-2
libproxmox-acme-perl: 1.5.1
libproxmox-acme-plugins: 1.5.1
libpve-apiclient-perl: 3.3.2
libpve-common-perl: 8.2.1
libpve-http-server-perl: 5.1.0
libxdgmime-perl: 1.1.0
lvm2: not correctly installed
pmg-docs: 8.1.1
pmg-i18n: 3.2.2
pmg-log-tracker: 2.5.0
proxmox-mini-journalreader: 1.4.0
proxmox-spamassassin: 4.0.1-1
proxmox-widget-toolkit: 4.2.3
pve-xtermjs: 5.3.0-3

* do you have any modifications in place?
- My only modifications are Custom Scores. But I made these modifications almost 5 or 6 months ago.

* does the issue persist if you restart pmgdaemon and pmgproxy?
- I will reboot the PMG and let you know the result.

Thank you.
How stupid I am. Restart was always the first thing I should try.
I'm sorry for taking up your time, Stoiko.



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