Some possible issues with ProxMox 2.0 release


Mar 21, 2009
I've noticed a couple things that I wanted to run by you before posting them as bug reports, perhaps I am doing something wrong.

1. While running a windows KVM with a single CPU allocated, I've sometimes seen the CPU usage go as high as 187%

2. When sorting servers based on disk usage or memory usage, the numbers are all over the place (Ie: 47% 37% 87% 27%), CPU usage and uptime however seem to be working okay.

3. While running an OpenVZ container, I've seen a machine with 4GB of RAM allocated to it using ~8GB of RAM.

4. Sometimes the graphs don't update properly (they lag behind or stop completely and I have to refresh the page)
1. While running a windows KVM with a single CPU allocated, I've sometimes seen the CPU usage go as high as 187%

We also account the overhead on tzhe KVM side, so this can actually happen sometimes.

2. When sorting servers based on disk usage or memory usage, the numbers are all over the place (Ie: 47% 37% 87% 27%), CPU usage and uptime however seem to be working okay.

We still wait for the new ExtJS4.1 release - hoping that this will fix many GUI related bugs ;-)

3. While running an OpenVZ container, I've seen a machine with 4GB of RAM allocated to it using ~8GB of RAM.

Please file a bug if this is reproducible.

4. Sometimes the graphs don't update properly (they lag behind or stop completely and I have to refresh the page)

Those graphs are currently jpeg images created at server side. Future versions will try to use the ExtJS chart framework, which will solve those problems. Anyone interested in working on that?


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