Shutdown problem of kvm machine

Oct 22, 2009

I have an Ubuntu server running kvm which does not react on the stop signal from Proxmox. Installing "apt-get install acpid" solved this.

However it concerns me that before I installed acpid on the VM, if I hit "Shutdown server" in the webinterface it just stopped at shutting down qemu machines. I waited more than 10 minuttes (as suggested in an old thread), but nothing happened.
Shouldn't it kill the VMs if they are still running 3 minutes after? If the power off signal comes from an UPS it's quite important that it does not hang.

Thanks in advance, and thank you for a great product ;).
However it concerns me that before I installed acpid on the VM, if I hit "Shutdown server" in the webinterface it just stopped at shutting down qemu machines. I waited more than 10 minuttes (as suggested in an old thread), but nothing happened.

Shutdown only work with ACPI, sorry.

Shouldn't it kill the VMs if they are still running 3 minutes after? If the power off signal comes from an UPS it's quite important that it does not hang.

When the UPS signals lost power the host shuts down (killing all VM after 3 minutes).
Thank you for the quick reply. I'll have to test the shutdown when I get the UPS. I just thought it would be the same as a normal shutdown, but I don't see the 3 minute timeout kick in and kill the VMs.