I use pve to virtualize an opnSense box.
I have all physical networking passed through (pci passthrough) to the opnSense
I added an openvswitch iterface, to which the pve host gets an ip and the opnSense box adds this virtual interface to the bridge of all other physical interfaces.
All working fine, but when I try to reboot the pve host, it takes ages since my opnSense VM is trying to run some scripts using ssh on the host, but as soon as I pressed the reboot button in the pve gui, the pve host becomes unresmonsive on the openvswitch interface !
I would like for pve to wait vor VMs to be stopped BEFORE stopping the networking or detaching from openvswitch, I mean : pve should stay available on network during my VMs shutdown cycle.
I thought it was the case with a previous install of pve, and now for some reason my shutdown hook in opnSense VM hangs because the VM cannot contact the pve host over IP.
It takes 2 minutes during which I cannot input commands on the pve host (my serial interface is telling me it's waiting for VM shutdown), and I cannot ssh into pve, and from the opnSense VM I can clearly see that pve host is not answering to ping anymore...
Any help would be gladly appreciated !
Thanks in advance,
I use pve to virtualize an opnSense box.
I have all physical networking passed through (pci passthrough) to the opnSense
I added an openvswitch iterface, to which the pve host gets an ip and the opnSense box adds this virtual interface to the bridge of all other physical interfaces.
All working fine, but when I try to reboot the pve host, it takes ages since my opnSense VM is trying to run some scripts using ssh on the host, but as soon as I pressed the reboot button in the pve gui, the pve host becomes unresmonsive on the openvswitch interface !
I would like for pve to wait vor VMs to be stopped BEFORE stopping the networking or detaching from openvswitch, I mean : pve should stay available on network during my VMs shutdown cycle.
I thought it was the case with a previous install of pve, and now for some reason my shutdown hook in opnSense VM hangs because the VM cannot contact the pve host over IP.
It takes 2 minutes during which I cannot input commands on the pve host (my serial interface is telling me it's waiting for VM shutdown), and I cannot ssh into pve, and from the opnSense VM I can clearly see that pve host is not answering to ping anymore...
Any help would be gladly appreciated !
Thanks in advance,