I use proxmox 4.4
if I create a ovs bridge the gui creates the interfaces part automatically and I can see the is just
+auto vmbr251
+iface vmbr251 inet manual
+ ovs_type OVSBridge
+ ovs_ports eth1
but your documentation says
whats the correct way ? gui or documentation ?
I use proxmox 4.4
if I create a ovs bridge the gui creates the interfaces part automatically and I can see the is just
+auto vmbr251
+iface vmbr251 inet manual
+ ovs_type OVSBridge
+ ovs_ports eth1
but your documentation says
However, any interfaces (Physical, OVSBonds, or OVSIntPorts) associated with a bridge should have their definitions prefixed with allow-$brname $iface, e.g. allow-vmbr0 bond0
However, any interfaces (Physical, OVSBonds, or OVSIntPorts) associated with a bridge should have their definitions prefixed with allow-$brname $iface, e.g. allow-vmbr0 bond0
whats the correct way ? gui or documentation ?