[SOLVED] Setup migration network issues


New Member
Sep 9, 2023
Hi, I made a separate 10Gb network what I want to use for migration of VM's and LXC's. I only get an error when I migrate an LXC.

could not get migration ip: multiple, different, IP address configured for network ''
TASK ERROR: command '/usr/bin/ssh -e none -o 'BatchMode=yes' -o 'HostKeyAlias=pve-1' -o 'UserKnownHostsFile=/etc/pve/nodes/pve-1/ssh_known_hosts' -o 'GlobalKnownHostsFile=none' root@ pvecm mtunnel -migration_network -get_migration_ip' failed: exit code 255

I'm not how I can fix this. Please some help.

Schermafbeelding 2024-08-10 om 14.53.51.png
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1. Don't have multiple gateways set up (using the GUI should even prevent you from doing so IIRC), even if they are the same.
2. Don't have multiple IP's in the same range set up that you want talking to eachother, use seperate ranges, else they don't know which route to take for what.

The migration-network should not need to reach the internet, only each-other, so put it on a separate range without a gateway. They can be on the same physical network if need-be. For example if you have for management, use for migration
1. Don't have multiple gateways set up (using the GUI should even prevent you from doing so IIRC), even if they are the same.
2. Don't have multiple IP's in the same range set up that you want talking to eachother, use seperate ranges, else they don't know which route to take for what.

The migration-network should not need to reach the internet, only each-other, so put it on a separate range without a gateway. They can be on the same physical network if need-be. For example if you have for management, use for migration
Thank you for answering my question. Appreciate your help!

Issue is resolved. It all made senses. I have still a lot to learn I really like Proxmox and by using it I learn a lot of new stuff.

regarding a separate network I made a separate network on my UDM Pro but I think I can't disable the gateway of that network so I made a firewall rule to block traffic.

Thanks again.
Glad to hear it's fixed, you might want to edit your first post to add the [solved] prefix/flair to it.

Not sure if you can do it in the UDM Pro specifically, but in the unifi controller you can set for a network to have a "3rd-party gateway" and then the router does not act as gateway/dhcp-server (but will still be able to vlan-tag ports on a switch for it and stuff).

Either way though, as long as you don't set up a gateway within Proxmox you should be fine.
And it isn't specifically that proxmox isn't allowed to go outside through that network, with no default gateway in place it can't nor has to.
Yeah that is possible too!

Thank you for the help and I will mark this as solved.
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