While doing some research on the possibility of setting up Xen-style serial consoles for KVM virtual machines on Proxmox, I found that past comments on the subject by Proxmox folks are basically, "There is ssh and there is VNC. There is no use-case for anything else."
The big obvious problem with this is that I am doing this research because the VNC used by Proxmox requires Java. Setting aside the inherent security flaws of Java in the browser that a wider and wider contingent of IT departments are solving by just not allowing Java in the browser, I was just been burned by another failed Java update that left the old version unusable. (Known issue; any attempt to run Java just forwards to the update page.) Thanks Oracle! Was unable to log into a deadlocked VM for over an hour while trying to unf*** my Java install. Thank goodness it was not a production machine.
Maybe there is some way to tease out what machine & port VNC is running on for a particular VM, so a non-DOA client could connect to it, but I don't know what it is. The command line to kvm makes it look like it's running against a Unix domain socket, which will be pretty tough to connect to from a remote server without help.
So I would just like to add a vote for the integrated support in the web gui for adding virtualized serial ports on VM's and making them easy to find from the command line.
Because Java.
And because, unlike VNC, serial terminals are quite useful for e.g. kernel debugging.
And because, unlike VNC, serial terminals can be automated against with Expect and similar tools for operations like OS updates performed in single user mode.
Please reconsider your position on this; there are many valid use-cases for serial support. These are just some of them.
The big obvious problem with this is that I am doing this research because the VNC used by Proxmox requires Java. Setting aside the inherent security flaws of Java in the browser that a wider and wider contingent of IT departments are solving by just not allowing Java in the browser, I was just been burned by another failed Java update that left the old version unusable. (Known issue; any attempt to run Java just forwards to the update page.) Thanks Oracle! Was unable to log into a deadlocked VM for over an hour while trying to unf*** my Java install. Thank goodness it was not a production machine.
Maybe there is some way to tease out what machine & port VNC is running on for a particular VM, so a non-DOA client could connect to it, but I don't know what it is. The command line to kvm makes it look like it's running against a Unix domain socket, which will be pretty tough to connect to from a remote server without help.
So I would just like to add a vote for the integrated support in the web gui for adding virtualized serial ports on VM's and making them easy to find from the command line.
Because Java.
And because, unlike VNC, serial terminals are quite useful for e.g. kernel debugging.
And because, unlike VNC, serial terminals can be automated against with Expect and similar tools for operations like OS updates performed in single user mode.
Please reconsider your position on this; there are many valid use-cases for serial support. These are just some of them.