Hello - I just noticed the new https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Separate_Cluster_Network wiki page and have a question.
The /etc/hosts file does not go along with later parts like:
as the host file shows a different address:
I assume the 10.10.10 example at Final Command section should be changed to 10.10.1 ?
PS: Thank you to the authors of the page . It will help make stable clusters.
The /etc/hosts file does not go along with later parts like:
pvecm create <clustername> -bindnet0_addr -ring0_addr one-corosync
Code: one-corosync.proxmox.com one-corosync
I assume the 10.10.10 example at Final Command section should be changed to 10.10.1 ?
PS: Thank you to the authors of the page . It will help make stable clusters.