Rule to forward to host

Jan 15, 2019
I'm looking for a way to forward outgoing mails to a different smarthost based on a subject match.
I see that with the BCC action I can forward mail to an e-mail address, so what I'm looking for is similar but with an IP/FQDN as destination.

Any idea?
Why would you wanna do that?

Does the mail that should go out from the second smarthost have any other distinction? (maybe it gets sent by a particular system/IP)

Currently this is not possible in PMG.
Based on the subject I would like to forward the outgoing mails to an encryption-gateway ;-)
So I can avoid to have all mails to pass the encryption gateway but only the ones who requires encryption.
So if PMG does not support that I will have to put the encryption-gateway inline and in front of PMG.
I know you can setup relay domain to another smtp server/gateway under Mail Proxy -> Transport but that is by domain not subject thou.