Restore error

Keith Miller

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2018
Phoenix, AZ
I tried to restore one of my VM's from a back up and received this error and of course a non-functional website, can someone assist

progress 25% (read 53687091200 bytes, duration 117 sec)

** (process:30035): ERROR **: restore failed - blk_pwrite to failed (-28)
/bin/bash: line 1: 30034 Broken pipe lzop -d -c /media/usb-drive/dump/vzdump-qemu-100-2019_01_17-00_00_02.vma.lzo
30035 Trace/breakpoint trap | vma extract -v -r /var/tmp/vzdumptmp30032.fifo - /var/tmp/vzdumptmp30032
temporary volume 'external_USB_drive:100/vm-100-disk-0.raw' sucessfuly removed
TASK ERROR: command 'set -o pipefail && lzop -d -c /media/usb-drive/dump/vzdump-qemu-100-2019_01_17-00_00_02.vma.lzo | vma extract -v -r /var/tmp/vzdumptmp30032.fifo - /var/tmp/vzdumptmp30032' failed: exit code 133
133 sounds like it has been killed with signal 5 - sigtrap - this should not happen unless you run the restore in a debugger (e.g. gdb, maybe also w/ strace).

check your `dmesg` for further hints - the last time I saw this it was related to bad ram - run memtest

hope this helps!
133 sounds like it has been killed with signal 5 - sigtrap - this should not happen unless you run the restore in a debugger (e.g. gdb, maybe also w/ strace).
check your `dmesg` for further hints - the last time I saw this it was related to bad ram - run memtest

hope this helps!

Also my backups are stored on an external hard drive and this is my first time using the restore ability would adding this flag help 'storage local' flag to my qmrestore
* The log in most modern linux distros (including PVE) can be seen via `journalctl` (check `man journalctl` for more infos)
* `dmesg` is a command, which shows kernel-messages in a ringbuffer - errors like segfaults, and maybe the trap should end up there)
* running memtest is something which is done after shutting down the server - while it boots you can select 'Memory test' - and let it run for a full run

hope this helps!