Restore bare metal host image block device


New Member
Feb 2, 2023
Hi. PBS is superb. :) Is better than Urbackup which is not supporting VLM, ZFS.. so snapshoting via default LinuxDeviceMapper or Dattobd does not work.

I've backed up with PBS some important production Debian Linux physical hosts in our university HPC environment, therir disk images, such as headnode and two hypervisors, which are Proxmox VE, since I'd like to upgrade first two hipervisor's OS Debian10 to 11 and second Proxmox VE from ver.6.4 to the last stable ver. 7.x on those hypervisors.

ProxmoxVE is integrated with PBS, so it is no problem with backup and also restore of VMs. Unforunately so far, I suppose it will be for a while, is backup and restore of bare metal physical hosts not yet integrated in PBS?

I successfully backed up the mentioned hosts with CLI command on corresponding hosts with "proxmox-backup-client backup ...img:/dev/sda .. --repository ..". After that I figured out that CLI command "proxmox-backup-client restore host/.. ..img ... --repository.." does not work.

Question for Proxmox proffessionals would be:"Is it possible to bare metal restore a physical host backed up disks images using ProxmoxBackupServer and HOW?" One method could be with LiveDebisan ISO with ProxmoxBacupClient on it to make sure that block devices which would like to restore from previously backed up disk images aren't in use.

PLEASE help, hot to do it if it is possible.
Sincererly, Aljoša
Would also like to know if/how PBS can do bare metal backup of proxmox host, so I don't have to reinstall/configure from scratch if host crashes? I was using Veeam but it doesn't work anymore - something about underlying support following a kernel update issue (can't remember details- snapshot related maybe?)
On the client I used the following command:

proxmox-backup-client backup sda.img:/dev/sda sdb.img:/dev/sdb --repository <PBSserver>:<DatastoreName>

The PVE hipervisor has ZFS filesystem:

I have successfuly backed up two images as is seen :

But I don't know how to restore this. Any clue from Proxmox proffessionals?

Since, Veeam really doesn't support any more ZFS file systems... I mean snapshots of this in image backup proces .
regards, Aljoša
On the client I used the following command:

proxmox-backup-client backup sda.img:/dev/sda sdb.img:/dev/sdb --repository <PBSserver>:<DatastoreName>

The PVE hipervisor has ZFS filesystem:
View attachment 46582

I have successfuly backed up two images as is seen :
View attachment 46583

But I don't know how to restore this. Any clue from Proxmox proffessionals?

Since, Veeam really doesn't support any more ZFS file systems... I mean snapshots of this in image backup proces .
regards, Aljoša
Take a look to these instructions: