Hello, I've 3 node cluster, and created some replication jobs between them. Suddenly repliocation to node1 stoped working.
I deleted and created again the job but doesn't work.
The solution was to backup vm, delete vm and restore to different ID.
is posible to solve without deleting and restoring.
Here is my log error.
2017-07-13 14:40:00 101-0: start replication job
2017-07-13 14:40:00 101-0: guest => VM 101, running => 0
2017-07-13 14:40:00 101-0: volumes => zfspool:vm-101-disk-1
2017-07-13 14:40:01 101-0: create snapshot '__replicate_101-0_1499953200__' on zfspool:vm-101-disk-1
2017-07-13 14:40:01 101-0: full sync 'zfspool:vm-101-disk-1' (__replicate_101-0_1499953200__)
2017-07-13 14:40:02 101-0: delete previous replication snapshot '__replicate_101-0_1499953200__' on zfspool:vm-101-disk-1
2017-07-13 14:40:02 101-0: end replication job with error: command 'set -o pipefail && pvesm export zfspool:vm-101-disk-1 zfs - -with-snapshots 1 -snapshot __replicate_101-0_1499953200__ | /usr/bin/ssh -o 'BatchMode=yes' -o 'HostKeyAlias=pvetest1' root@ -- pvesm import zfspool:vm-101-disk-1 zfs - -with-snapshots 1' failed: exit code 255
I deleted and created again the job but doesn't work.
The solution was to backup vm, delete vm and restore to different ID.
is posible to solve without deleting and restoring.
Here is my log error.
2017-07-13 14:40:00 101-0: start replication job
2017-07-13 14:40:00 101-0: guest => VM 101, running => 0
2017-07-13 14:40:00 101-0: volumes => zfspool:vm-101-disk-1
2017-07-13 14:40:01 101-0: create snapshot '__replicate_101-0_1499953200__' on zfspool:vm-101-disk-1
2017-07-13 14:40:01 101-0: full sync 'zfspool:vm-101-disk-1' (__replicate_101-0_1499953200__)
2017-07-13 14:40:02 101-0: delete previous replication snapshot '__replicate_101-0_1499953200__' on zfspool:vm-101-disk-1
2017-07-13 14:40:02 101-0: end replication job with error: command 'set -o pipefail && pvesm export zfspool:vm-101-disk-1 zfs - -with-snapshots 1 -snapshot __replicate_101-0_1499953200__ | /usr/bin/ssh -o 'BatchMode=yes' -o 'HostKeyAlias=pvetest1' root@ -- pvesm import zfspool:vm-101-disk-1 zfs - -with-snapshots 1' failed: exit code 255