Remove stuck VM


New Member
Apr 22, 2016

I have just build a new proxmox cluster of 3 nodes running 3.1 - all good. I have been fiddling around with iscsi and nfs to see which would work best for me (i think nfs) so i have deleted my iscsi storage.

Trouble is, i had a VM running from it and now i am unable to destroy it. I have had a poke around the backend, followed a few steps from previous posts on the issue - but no luck at all :(

Any advice would be great :)


you can simply delete the VMs config, it is located under
rm /etc/pve/nodes/nodename/qemu-server/VMID.conf

Simply replace "nodename" and VMID with the respective values and exec rm as root, be sure to delete the correct config.

When deleting no disk will be cleaned up, but as you probably already removed the iSCSI storage this should not affect you.

/etc/pve is the mount point for our nice cluster file system, and most of the important configuration happens here. Destroying VMs tries to remove the disks as well but in your case they are not here anymore thus the error, deleting the config file must then be done manual.

Edit: I hope you meant 4.1 in your post, 3.1 would be quite outdated :)
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doh!! I have been really silly here...

I copied the vmid.conf file (vmid.conf.old) to be safe... but didn't delete the vmid.conf file once i had done so.

Thank you.