I have a small issue with my Proxmox servers. I've installed the latest version of Proxmox VE (5.0.12).
For networking I'm using openvswitch 2.6.2. The problem is the following:
The networking config won't be applied upon start-up (it will do a job for Raise network interfaces for about 5 mins,fail, then continue booting).
After it boots up I login; if I try to start the network it fails because 'vmbr0' is already configured. I reckon the system tries to start 'vmbr0' during boot, fails, and in this process creates the ifstate files in /run/network/. The problem is I don't understand why it will not start vmbr0 during boot, I thought it is because networking is started before openvswitch during boot, I checked the run-levels, both services have same runlevels. I even added openvswitch to an inferior run-level, that didn't fix the issue.
Do you have any idea why this will not work?
If I delete these files and try to start/restart networking it will work.
Here is my /etc/network/interfaces:
I have a small issue with my Proxmox servers. I've installed the latest version of Proxmox VE (5.0.12).
For networking I'm using openvswitch 2.6.2. The problem is the following:
The networking config won't be applied upon start-up (it will do a job for Raise network interfaces for about 5 mins,fail, then continue booting).
After it boots up I login; if I try to start the network it fails because 'vmbr0' is already configured. I reckon the system tries to start 'vmbr0' during boot, fails, and in this process creates the ifstate files in /run/network/. The problem is I don't understand why it will not start vmbr0 during boot, I thought it is because networking is started before openvswitch during boot, I checked the run-levels, both services have same runlevels. I even added openvswitch to an inferior run-level, that didn't fix the issue.
Do you have any idea why this will not work?
If I delete these files and try to start/restart networking it will work.
Here is my /etc/network/interfaces:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eno1
iface eno1 inet manual
mtu 9000
auto eno2
iface eno2 inet manual
mtu 9000
auto vmbr0
allow-ovs vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet manual
ovs_type OVSBridge
ovs_ports bond0 vlan2152 vlan3001 vlan1968
mtu 9000
auto bond0
allow-vmbr0 bond0
iface bond0 inet manual
ovs_bridge vmbr0
ovs_type OVSBond
ovs_bonds eno1 eno2
ovs_options bond_mode=balance-slb
mtu 9000
auto vlan2152
allow-vmbr0 vlan2152
iface vlan2152 inet static
post-up ip route add via dev vlan2152
ovs_type OVSIntPort
ovs_bridge vmbr0
ovs_options tag=2152
ovs_extra set interface ${IFACE} external-ids:iface-id=$(hostname -s)-${IFACE}-vif
mtu 9000
auto vlan3001
allow-vmbr0 vlan3001
iface vlan3001 inet static
ovs_type OVSIntPort
ovs_bridge vmbr0
ovs_options tag=3001
ovs_extra set interface ${IFACE} external-ids:iface-id=$(hostname s)-${IFACE}-vif
mtu 9000
auto vlan1968
allow-vmbr0 vlan1968
iface vlan1968 inet static
ovs_type OVSIntPort
ovs_bridge vmbr0
ovs_options tag=1968
ovs_extra set interface ${IFACE} external-ids:iface-id=$(hostname s)-${IFACE}-vif
mtu 9000