we're in the process of setting up our PoC-Cluster and want to use the FRR full mesh routing for the ceph cluster. See Routed Setup (with fallback) on https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Full_Mesh_Network_for_Ceph_Server .
1st problem: Invalid position of "post-up" script
It says "Add this line to /etc/network/interfaces": "post-up /usr/bin/systemctl restart frr.service".
As far as I can see this is supposed to be added to the very bottom. But this leads to an error when running "ifreload -a" or clicking "apply configuration" in the proxmox network gui.
I've added these lines to the 2 interfaces that are used in FRR and the error is gone.
Q1: Is this correct or does it have to be somewhere else? Could someone please edit the wiki with the correct information? Thank you!
2nd problem: Clicking "apply configuration" fails to restart frr
If you're working on the network configuration and click "Apply configuration" too quickly frr will stop but wont start again.
`systemd status frr`:
Feb 10 08:28:46 pve-poc-1 systemd[1]: frr.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Feb 10 08:28:46 pve-poc-1 systemd[1]: frr.service: Failed with result 'start-limit-hit'.
Looking into the systemd file:
So restarting more than 3 times in 3 mins leads to the error above. Having the "post-up" script on two interfaces leads into the crash after 2 clicks on "Apply configuration" in 3 minutes. If you have more interfaces in frr (which means more post-up scripts) can lead to this failure even on a single click of "Apply configuration".
Q2: Is a restart really necessary or would a reload suffice?
Q3: Is it safe to remove the StartLimit* options from the frr service file?
3rd problem: Configure two full-mesh-networks
How can I configure 2 full mesh FRR networks with FRR? I need one for Ceph and one for corosync. In the guide above we're using "lo" the standard loopback adapter.
What I figured is this:
- Add another lo adapter in /etc/network/interfaces "auto lo:10 inet loopback"
- create another router in frr.conf and use it in the interfaces
Q4: Is my assumption correct? Could you add a working example to the wiki please?
Thanks for your help!
we're in the process of setting up our PoC-Cluster and want to use the FRR full mesh routing for the ceph cluster. See Routed Setup (with fallback) on https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Full_Mesh_Network_for_Ceph_Server .
1st problem: Invalid position of "post-up" script
It says "Add this line to /etc/network/interfaces": "post-up /usr/bin/systemctl restart frr.service".
As far as I can see this is supposed to be added to the very bottom. But this leads to an error when running "ifreload -a" or clicking "apply configuration" in the proxmox network gui.
I've added these lines to the 2 interfaces that are used in FRR and the error is gone.
Q1: Is this correct or does it have to be somewhere else? Could someone please edit the wiki with the correct information? Thank you!
2nd problem: Clicking "apply configuration" fails to restart frr
If you're working on the network configuration and click "Apply configuration" too quickly frr will stop but wont start again.
`systemd status frr`:
Feb 10 08:28:46 pve-poc-1 systemd[1]: frr.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Feb 10 08:28:46 pve-poc-1 systemd[1]: frr.service: Failed with result 'start-limit-hit'.
Looking into the systemd file:
So restarting more than 3 times in 3 mins leads to the error above. Having the "post-up" script on two interfaces leads into the crash after 2 clicks on "Apply configuration" in 3 minutes. If you have more interfaces in frr (which means more post-up scripts) can lead to this failure even on a single click of "Apply configuration".
Q2: Is a restart really necessary or would a reload suffice?
Q3: Is it safe to remove the StartLimit* options from the frr service file?
3rd problem: Configure two full-mesh-networks
How can I configure 2 full mesh FRR networks with FRR? I need one for Ceph and one for corosync. In the guide above we're using "lo" the standard loopback adapter.
What I figured is this:
- Add another lo adapter in /etc/network/interfaces "auto lo:10 inet loopback"
- create another router in frr.conf and use it in the interfaces
Q4: Is my assumption correct? Could you add a working example to the wiki please?
Thanks for your help!