Hi all (1st post
Its possible to use drbd (primary-primary) with lvm on top, with each lv containing one vps (OpenVZ), using a common FS (ext3, jfs, ...) on the new storage model for HA purposes?
My idea is something like that:
Each node runs a different vps from another, but all vps´s are sync via LVM lv´s on top of DRBD primary/primary. In case of fault of some node, the left node just nid check integrity of vps fs and startup him.
PS: Sorry my bad "engrish"
Its possible to use drbd (primary-primary) with lvm on top, with each lv containing one vps (OpenVZ), using a common FS (ext3, jfs, ...) on the new storage model for HA purposes?
My idea is something like that:
[FONT=Courier New] ::node01:: ::node02::
{vps01}{vps03} {vps02}{vps04}
[LV_01][LV_03] [LV_02][LV_04]
[DRBD] ---primary//primary--- [DRBD]
(/dev/sdb1) (/dev/sdb1)
PS: Sorry my bad "engrish"