/usr/bin/ssh -t -t -n -o BatchMode=yes 194.xxx.yyy.node2 /usr/bin/pvectl vzcreate 4049 --disk 8 --ostemplate debian-4.0-standard_4.0-3_i386.tar.gz --hostname <some.fqdn> --description Debian 4.0 (standard) --nameserver <some_dns> --nameserver 194.xxx.yyy.zzz --searchdomain <my_domain> --onboot yes --userpasswd root:not_a_password --swap 512 --ipset 194.xxx.yyy.zzz --mem 512 --cpus 1
tcgetattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
bash: -c: line 0: `/usr/bin/pvectl vzcreate 4049 --disk 8 --ostemplate debian-4.0-standard_4.0-3_i386.tar.gz --hostname <some.fqdn> --description Debian 4.0 (standard) --nameserver <some_dns> --nameserver 194.xxx.yyy.zzz --searchdomain <my_domain> --onboot yes --userpasswd root:not_a_password --swap 512 --ipset 194.xxx.yyy.zzz --mem 512 --cpus 1'
Connection to 194.xxx.yyy.node2 closed.
unable to apply VM settings -
After upgrading to last version with this command
apt-get update && apt-get --assume-yes upgrade
I get the error showed before.
Of course I try to execute in command line with the description commented out, but I only get a connection closed
Edit: That only happen when you create a new vz in other node of the cluster. In master it's works nice. vzdump, help me to keep online.
Bad upgrade !
Thanks In Advance for your help
tcgetattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
bash: -c: line 0: `/usr/bin/pvectl vzcreate 4049 --disk 8 --ostemplate debian-4.0-standard_4.0-3_i386.tar.gz --hostname <some.fqdn> --description Debian 4.0 (standard) --nameserver <some_dns> --nameserver 194.xxx.yyy.zzz --searchdomain <my_domain> --onboot yes --userpasswd root:not_a_password --swap 512 --ipset 194.xxx.yyy.zzz --mem 512 --cpus 1'
Connection to 194.xxx.yyy.node2 closed.
unable to apply VM settings -
After upgrading to last version with this command
apt-get update && apt-get --assume-yes upgrade
I get the error showed before.
Of course I try to execute in command line with the description commented out, but I only get a connection closed
Edit: That only happen when you create a new vz in other node of the cluster. In master it's works nice. vzdump, help me to keep online.
Bad upgrade !
Thanks In Advance for your help
Last edited: