PVE -> summary memory usage false ?


Active Member
Sep 9, 2020
Hello on my proxmox node i got a bad information about memory usage, why ?

on the web acess i can see using 40G of memory


if i do a htop i got only 10 :

and when i look my VM running the good one is 10.6G using :


So why i got this false information

thanks ?
See the discussion in: https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/p...this-one-thing-the-memory-usage-graph.149473/

Basically it's not an issue, but working as expected, also see: https://www.linuxatemyram.com/

If you want the actual memory usage of your VM you will have to setup a monitoring software like Zabbix, Icinga2 or prometheus in it's own lxc or vm and install the agent/node exporter in your vms/lxcs. If it turns out that they don't actually use most of their ram you can lower it in the VM/lxc settings.
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