Proxmox3.3 Installation problem with LSI 9240-8i RAID card


New Member
Feb 23, 2015
HI All,
Hope all are doing well. I am new for Proxmox. Requirement is "Proxmox3.3 with Hardware raid controller LSI megaSAS 9240-8i".
Proxmox got successful installed in RAID array stoarge[3*1TB=2tb(RAID-5)] array[. But proxmox unable to boot.
Please give me replay..

Thanks you so much.
and also It giving msg "megasas: INIT adapter done".
Please give me replay..

Thanks you so much.
Hi Venkata,

I'm new to all this proxmox stuff and we are just preparing our new server which will probably have the same adapter.
You might want to check out - there are some special tips regarding the lsi-controller. I'm not sure if this is the right for you - but worth a try.

Best regards