Proxmox will not access internet


New Member
Feb 12, 2023
hello i am brand new to proxmox and i wanted to try it out i installed proxmox on my old laptop (not that old) has an intel i5 processor but proxmox will not connect to the internet or ping at all if i hook it directly into the back of my desktop and try to ping it i get a transmit failed general error the ethernet port is intel based and works on other linux distro's like ubuntu but not debian im new to the whole server side of things and wanted to convert my old laptop to a home server im not enterly sure what im doing and need help when trying to ping directly on proxmox it says destination host unreachable
Could you provide the outputs from the following commands:
  • ip a
  • ip route
  • cat /etc/network/interfaces
I suspect the problem might be the IP isn't set. Proxmox requires a static IP. I suspect if you add the static IP to the /etc/network/interfaces file, it will likely fix your problem. Might also require a reboot (or an ifreload -a command, if you have the ifupdown2 package loaded)
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