I've got a new Proxmox VE Instance running on OVH.
I have the firewall enabled at the datacenter level and the rules that I write at that level are applying to the hypervisor correctly as I'd expect.
I don't seem to be able to get the firewall rules to apply to the LXC VMs at the moment. It appears as if all traffic is permitted to the VMs.
Here is what is working for the hypervisor:
And here is the VM, I noticed that there is no "policy_in: DROP" like there is for the cluster, but looking at the settings in the GUI it looks like there should be:
I don't have any way to host a picture at the moment, but the settings in the GUI at the VM level look like:
Enable Firewall: Yes
Enable DHCP: No
MAC filter: Yes
log_level_in: nolog
log_level_out: nolog
Input Policy: DROP
Output Policy: ACCEPT
And in the Rules section of the GUI for the VM there is nothing. So I'd expect to have no access to the VM or at least no access above what's been defined at the cluster level. For example there's no rule for DPort: 80 there but I can access the web page on the VM just fine.
I have the firewall enabled at the datacenter level and the rules that I write at that level are applying to the hypervisor correctly as I'd expect.
I don't seem to be able to get the firewall rules to apply to the LXC VMs at the moment. It appears as if all traffic is permitted to the VMs.
Here is what is working for the hypervisor:
root@hv1:/etc/pve/firewall# cat cluster.fw
policy_in: DROP
enable: 1
IN ACCEPT -source 167.###.##.163 -p icmp
IN ACCEPT -source 167.###.##.163 -p udp -dport 161
IN ACCEPT -p tcp -dport 22
IN ACCEPT -p tcp -dport 8006
And here is the VM, I noticed that there is no "policy_in: DROP" like there is for the cluster, but looking at the settings in the GUI it looks like there should be:
root@hv1:/etc/pve/firewall# cat 701.fw
enable: 1
I don't have any way to host a picture at the moment, but the settings in the GUI at the VM level look like:
Enable Firewall: Yes
Enable DHCP: No
MAC filter: Yes
log_level_in: nolog
log_level_out: nolog
Input Policy: DROP
Output Policy: ACCEPT
And in the Rules section of the GUI for the VM there is nothing. So I'd expect to have no access to the VM or at least no access above what's been defined at the cluster level. For example there's no rule for DPort: 80 there but I can access the web page on the VM just fine.