[SOLVED] ProxMox VE 5 Installation Failed


Oct 6, 2017
I was installing ProxMox VE with official ISO. On the server I rent, I have rescue system (debian), so I've downloaded ISO, installed qemu, opened vnc connection through qemu emulator passing also 2 hard disks and iso as cdrom to it. After that I've successfully connected through VNC viewer and proceeded with the installation (for the storage I chose ZFS RAID0) and at the end of installation I get the following error:

command 'chroot /rpool/ROOT/pve-1 dpkg --force-confold --configure -a' failed with exit code 1 at /usr/bin/proxinstall line 385

Can anybody help me with this, please?
The mentioned problem solved with adding -enable-kvm to qemu before running. But now, after successful installation I can't login or ping my server (after rebooting from rescue system).
Couldn't find the cause of the problem, but solved it reinstalling ProxMox with KVM console. Checked after installation network configuration is the same, as I did previously, so not sure what was the reason for the first method not to work.