I use proxmox v4, but i do have problem with bring up the network to my lxc container.
Scenario if i want the network start again, i start with stop the container via CLI and then i type lxc-monitor -n ID. then i start again and after 10 retries the networks became online.
This is how it looks then i try to start the server and the network fails :
root@host4:~# lxc-info -n 102
Name: 102
PID: 1618
CPU use: 0.53 seconds
Memory use: 6.79 MiB
KMem use: 0 bytes
Link: veth102i0
TX bytes: 0 bytes
RX bytes: 0 bytes
Total bytes: 0 bytes
Link: veth102i1
TX bytes: 0 bytes
RX bytes: 0 bytes
Total bytes: 0 bytes
Does anyone of you have any clue have to resolve this issue ?
Thanks Egner.
I use proxmox v4, but i do have problem with bring up the network to my lxc container.
Scenario if i want the network start again, i start with stop the container via CLI and then i type lxc-monitor -n ID. then i start again and after 10 retries the networks became online.
This is how it looks then i try to start the server and the network fails :
root@host4:~# lxc-info -n 102
Name: 102
PID: 1618
CPU use: 0.53 seconds
Memory use: 6.79 MiB
KMem use: 0 bytes
Link: veth102i0
TX bytes: 0 bytes
RX bytes: 0 bytes
Total bytes: 0 bytes
Link: veth102i1
TX bytes: 0 bytes
RX bytes: 0 bytes
Total bytes: 0 bytes
Does anyone of you have any clue have to resolve this issue ?
Thanks Egner.