Proxmox upgrade to 5.2 webgui problem


New Member
Jan 5, 2018
Hi everyone,

We have a cluster with 3 nodes. I made a new node with V5.2 and inserted it to the cluster. In the cluster the other nodes have versions 4x and 5.1. The strange thing is this. When i do:

''pvecm add IP-Cluster-Node''

it says to update the other node or to use the command use_ssh. I use --use_ssh option and the node was added to the cluster. The weird thing is that when i open the new node web gui. There are no servers shown. The other nodes do not appear. But the cluster is ok with all 4 nodes. Everything is ok from the web gui of the older ones.
On the other side. When i open the web gui of the new node from my smart phone with chrome. I can see them.
Then. I updated one of the other nodes. From 4x to 5.2. the cluster is ok. But the web gui still gives the same problem to this node too.
Any suggestion?
please do not mix 4.x and 5.x for a longer period of time -> upgrade all to the latest version
please do not mix 4.x and 5.x for a longer period of time -> upgrade all to the latest version
Thanks. I'll do this. But after i upgrade all nodes. Will the web gui problem be resolved? I don't want to have at the end all nodes upgraded but with gui not manageable. Till now i have 2 nodes updated and both of them has the same problem.
i can't say because it is not a known problem, but it does not make sense to debug an unsupported and not tested configuration