Proxmox - system wont start


New Member
Jul 6, 2024
Hi there!
I was running Home Assistant on Proxmox for a year without any problems. I also connected also usb drive to make backups, everything using gui.
Now my system boot only to linux... not sure why. HA or proxmox isnt accesible from IP adress, so i cant make any nice screenshot. Found similiar topics over the web, so i tried
lsblk -f
and both hd(sda) and usb drive(sdb) are there...but what next?
Always using gui, so not even sure how to made scrshoot there, sorry for pic, but it tells more maybe.
IMG_20240706_234344_793 (Copy).jpg
i just restarted system, and it says smth failed...maybe its where i need to start?when i tried to log in, it says to check journal and its really many lines... should i try to post some of them (red ones?) or maybe all of them ?
PS: not sure what i done...used apt update command, and now cant even log in...after restart again, it works as before= i can login, but nothing new happened
restart7 (Copy).jpgaptupdate (Copy).jpg
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Given that it is in emergency-mode, that would be the reason nothing is started (only the most basic/critical processes are in this mode), and that's partly a good thing to try and prevent further damage while you troubleshoot.

It seems to me like it is trying to mount a third drive, do you have anything else attached, other then keyboard, monitor, the backup usb-drive, network and power? If so you might want to try and disconnect it and then reboot and try again. It could also be that the backup USB-drive itself is failing, but in the first photo it did at least see a drive. I'm however far from an expert with drives, so I would suggest to proceed with caution or perhaps wait for one of the Distinguished Member's to chime in.
Looks like you also got a typo when mounting your disks via fstab. "sefaults" should probably mean "defaults" for the mounting options of that ext4 partition. In case you edited your fstab to add a third disk, PVE won'T boot with that 3rd disk missing. So add that third disk or comment out its line from fstab.
Last edited: able to retype smth, but i didnt edited anything or so. It happened after we had some problems with energy.
In case you edited your fstab to add a third disk, PVE won'T boot without that 3rd disk missing. So add that third disk or comment out its line from fstab.
I tried to add another HDD for cctv cameras as a storage(from gui). It never worked, so the drive is not in use for many months. Should i edit smth ?
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I tried to add another HDD for cctv cameras as a storage. It never worked, so the drive is not in use for many months. Should i edit smth ?
Maybe you edited stuff back then when adding that third drive but never rebooted and then a power outage "rebooted" your node?
Also not uncommon that a power outage will corrupt your filesystems and PVE then won't boot any longer (thats why you should run your server behind an UPS...even if it is just a home server...) .

Whats the output of cat /etc/fstab ?
Whats the output of cat /etc/fstab ?

# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
/dev/pve/root / ext4 error=remount-ro 0 1
/dev/pve/swap none swap sw 0 0
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
LABEL=USbackup /mnt/sdc ext4 sefaults 0 2

and yes i started Home Assistant many times, but never proxmox.
If i need to change sefaults to to ?
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On emergency shell, you can type the below to comment in the problematic line:

sed -i 's/^LABEL=USbackup/#&/' /etc/fstab

Or, if you wish to correct the mispelt word, you can issue the below:

sed -i 's/sefaults/defaults/' /etc/fstab
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i used 2nd code to correct "sefaults", but it only says:

sed: couldnt edit /etc/: not a regular file
so then i used the first one and used command exit to restart?
now it says:
Welcome to the Proxmox VE :)

Thank You guys!!
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If you look at "cat /etc/fstab" again, does it still show the sefaults instead of defaults on the last line?
  • If yes: Check the previous command that you didn't make any typos (extra spaces or the like), or perhaps try "nano /etc/fstab", edit the sefaults (and ONLY that), then save by pressing control+X, pressing Y to confirm, then enter to overwrite the same file.
  • If no and the rest of the file looks the same: Ignore the message and reboot (with "systemctl reboot")
EDIT: I see that you changed your post to say you used the first command and that worked, good to hear and enjoy ProxMox further :)
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