You can type whatever e-mail you want during the installation, it's the SENDER email (when PVE sends you a notification of something) - you have to configure the e-mail settings further if you want the notifications to actually work.
This is in fact incorrect (Or at least with the 8.X installer, not sure about other/earlier versions).
The Default sender-address is root@<hostname> (so if your hostname is, the email will come from
The root-user's email-address is set to the value set in the installer.
Also by default setting will send all email-notifications to that address, except for updates if you have not entered a subscription-key (so are running non-subscription) or are in a cluster (cluster requires you to re-activate notifications for updates).
When installing proxmox ve there is a requirement for email to notify me of updates. However, I cannot bypass this, I am just testing it and I don't want to get email involved. How do I bypass this. I am going to opensource to avoid all this forced updates and notifications.
If you want to bypass it, just enter something like ``. To Prevent issues though, after install, I WOULD suggest to turn off mailing all-together, for that go to the datacenter -> Notifications (all the way at the bottom) -> Disable either the default notification Matcher or default notification Target, either will do the trick (and by disabling you can at a later stage look into setting things up again).
(For those wondering "What kind of issues": Sending emails from domains you're not authorised to could get the sending IP blacklisted for email-providers, which in turn could cause issues if legit email is (attempted to) be send from the same IP, with mails being blocked / quarantined / send to spam)