We just released hotfix 3.1-5874 for our Proxmox Mail Gateway 3.1.
Release Notes
04.09.2014: Proxmox Mail Gateway 3.1-5874
Best regards,
Martin Maurer
Release Notes
04.09.2014: Proxmox Mail Gateway 3.1-5874
- proxmox-mailgateway (3.1-15)
- fix problem with 7z unpacker
- proxmox-mailgateway (3.1-14)
- use 7z to unpack zip archives
- Spamassassin updates (3.4.0-1)
- proxmox-mailgateway (3.1-13)
- apache ldap auth: correctly update ldap database
- SAV update
- Spamassassin rule updates
- proxmox-mailgateway (3.1-11)
- improve email parser and quote links to avoid XSS reflection
- fix menu activation with firefox
- proxmox-spamassassin (3.3.2-4), updated ruleset
- ClamAV 0.97.8
- Avira SAV bug fix (license check)
- Spamassassin rule updates
- fix admin permissions for cluster nodes (admin can now reboot slaves)
- Add the possiblity to flush the address verification database
- named: use forward only mode (always contact configured servers)
- Commtouch AV updates
- Small bug fixes
Best regards,
Martin Maurer
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