Proxmox host or VM as gateway/firewall?


Jan 5, 2012
I had a little discussion with a friend about setting up a firewall/gateway with visualization (no dedicated hardware for firewall!)

As I like it modular and variable, I'd set up a VM (KVM, no contianer) as firewall/gateway (shorewall), exclusively using the hardware interface connected to the outside world. proxmox itself and all VMs would only use the (virtual) interface defined as DMZ, the LAN is connected to other hardware einterfaces, exclusiveley connected to the firewall-VM.
This way the firewall can be easily replaced or completely removed, by only changing the device connections on the proxmox host.

His opinion was, the only secure way to do it, is by setting up the proxmox host itself as firewall/gateway as this is the "entry point" of all communication to the system, regardless of the direct mapping from physical interfaces to virtual interfaces at the firewall-VM...

I think this would be even less secure, because a firewall breach would imply a breach into the proxmox host. It would also make the disaster recovery more complicated, as i first have to reconstruct this host setup before restoring the VMs whereas when using a firewall-VM I only have to configure the network devices and by restoring the firewall-VM I have my DMZ/local configuration back running as it was.

What's your opinions on this?
Anyone tried both and can report on pros/cons, difficulties with configuration etc?
I would never expose the hypervisor to the internet.

I have a pfsense running on ESXi.
First NIC is dedicated to the VM for WAN
Second NIC is shared to all other VM for LAN
Third NIC is a dedicated link to the storage (openfiler) where the vm's are stored

If you really want it secure have look at
but then you would need a fourth and/or a fifth NIC inside depending on type of storage (local or NAS/SAN)

And you are right: If the Hypervisor is compromised, it is also possible that the VM's are compromised


The "red/green/orange/blue" layout of IPCop is roughly similar to the 3-way layout for shorewall.
My idea is, to get this layout virtualized:

proxmox host:

       WAN               LAN
|     |eth0|            |eth1|      |
|        |                 |        |
|        |                 |        |
|     |vmbr0|              |        |
|     -------              |        |
|    | FW/GW | vmbr1 |------        |
|     -------                       |
|     |vmbr2|                       |
|        |                          |
|  ______|________________________  |
|  | DMZ                         |  |
|  |  VM  |  VM2  |  CT  |  CT2  |  |
|  -------------------------------  |

The proxmox services (ssh, apache, vnc) are all bound to vmbr1 and/or vmbr2, so they are also secured by the firewall. _ALL_ incoming and outgoing traffic has to pass the FW/GW-VM.


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