Proxmox heterogeneous cluster


New Member
Mar 27, 2012

My current configuration is : 1 storage iscsi + 2 servers running proxmox 2.3 in cluster (I know it is outdated).

As i will purchase a new server, Is it possible to add a node with pve3 into the same cluster ?
My objective is to transfert the VM to the last machine, an then to upgrade proxmox gradually to the last version.

Thanks for your comments.
Getting a machine live from PVE 2.3 to latest 4.2 is not supported, to much difference between qemu versions and 4.0 introduced an completely new cluster stack.
I did not test from 2.3 to 3.0 but I'll guess the same.

I guess you have the VM disks on the iSCSI storage, that means you could achieve a minimal downtime by installing latest PVE 4.2 on the new server configure the storages the same as at the old node and the move only the config file from the old to the new an start there the VM up, if good timed this would result in a downtime of about 2 minutes, not perfect I know but still good and easy.
I would strongly suggest that you test that with a Tesg VM first to get known to the workflow and asure minimal down time for the actual VMs.

For moving the VMs config simply transfer it, for example via scp, to the new node, the configs reside under /etc/pve/node/NODENAME/qemu-server
For OpenVZ container this wont work, there a backup/restore tactic would be my suggestion.
Hope that helps somewhat.
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Thank you for this answer.

I understand there is no problem having different major PVE versions on the same cluster ? That's great.
Unfortunately, some vm are installed on local (system) + iSCSI (data). I have to test the best way to transfert.

Thank you.
I understand there is no problem having different major PVE versions on the same cluster ? That's great.
No, i think you misunderstood my colleague.
Having different major versions of PVE on the same cluster does not work. ( this is true for 3.x and 4.x at least, not tested for 2.x and 3.x as thomas already stated)
I understand there is no problem having different major PVE versions on the same cluster ? That's great.

Hmm, you can have multiple PVE 4.X, mixed setups with older cluster and newer in the same network (in fact PVE3.4 and earlier may not even see PVE 4 and newer as the cluster stack changed major versions), that isn't a problem and here in Vienna we have a lot cluster in the same network, no problems.
But mixed Cluster with major version difference are not possible.

Unfortunately, some vm are installed on local (system) + iSCSI (data). I have to test the best way to transfert.

So, in newer PVEs you can do a "move disk" of a running VM without interrupting the VM, but I'm not quite sure if thats possible in 2.3 already (a little for my proxmox time :) ).
I would try if that works for you with a test VM and then do as proposed by me above :)