My current setup: two hosts running vmware in 2-node HA. A third node running Centos 7 as a NAS (exporting storage to the vmware hosts.) I wanted storage redundancy, so there are virtual centos guests on each vmware host. The storage is on an SAS JBOD with 2 inputs - one to the physical centos server and one to the vmware server not running the guests (except it runs a virtual storage appliance which talks to the other JBOD input via a pci passed-in HBA). There is also a virtual centos on the production vmware server which is solely a quorum node. All 3 servers have IPMI so I fence that way. Ignoring the vmware HA for now, the idea is that if the physical storage server fails (or I need to take it down), the storage will be migrated to the virtual appliance with JBOD access and the virtual IP address for NFS moves with it) [this is using pacemaker+corosync, BTW). If I need to fence the virtual storage appliance, I just fence the entire vmware host, since nothing else runs on it (normally). So, with all that in mind, is there a way to do this using proxmox? I don't really want 3 proxmox servers, so unless I go with the not-recommended 2-node HA, is it possible to have a non-proxmox node participate in the cluster? Or is it possible to have proxmox on all 3 nodes, one of which never runs VMs and only serves up data via NFS?