I use a cluster between 3 nodes. 1 of the 3 nodes seemed offline yesterday (GUI showed the server as offline). After a restart of the pvestatd it worked fine again.
Now I wanted to edit a server at the error-host. If i click on a host, i get the error: Connection timed out (596) or communication failure (0).
I already restarted pveproxy and pvestatd. Server is shown as online, stats of the node in proxmox is shown. Only the vmstats are now shown in the panel because of the errors.
Server is pingable accessable through the console or ssh. VMs hosted on the server are also online.
When I try to login with the panel: https://ipoftheerrorhost:8006) I have to login, but I can't login. I get a long time "Please wait" and after that "Login failed. Please try again". If I use the correct or the wrong error, I get the same error.
I had a problem with an NFS-Server yesterday, could it be hang together?
Configuration of a VM on the errorhost is loading, but it takes about 1-2 Minutes to load something..
What can I do?
I use a cluster between 3 nodes. 1 of the 3 nodes seemed offline yesterday (GUI showed the server as offline). After a restart of the pvestatd it worked fine again.
Now I wanted to edit a server at the error-host. If i click on a host, i get the error: Connection timed out (596) or communication failure (0).
I already restarted pveproxy and pvestatd. Server is shown as online, stats of the node in proxmox is shown. Only the vmstats are now shown in the panel because of the errors.
Server is pingable accessable through the console or ssh. VMs hosted on the server are also online.
When I try to login with the panel: https://ipoftheerrorhost:8006) I have to login, but I can't login. I get a long time "Please wait" and after that "Login failed. Please try again". If I use the correct or the wrong error, I get the same error.
MYIP - - [08/Dec/2016:10:53:12 +0100] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 673
MYIP - - [08/Dec/2016:10:53:14 +0100] "GET /api2/json/access/domains HTTP/1.1" 200 159
MYIP - - [08/Dec/2016:10:53:48 +0100] "POST /api2/extjs/access/ticket HTTP/1.1" 596 -
MYIP - - [08/Dec/2016:10:55:11 +0100] "POST /api2/extjs/access/ticket HTTP/1.1" 596 -
I had a problem with an NFS-Server yesterday, could it be hang together?
Configuration of a VM on the errorhost is loading, but it takes about 1-2 Minutes to load something..
What can I do?
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