Proxmox Boot Drive on SSD - Best Practices?


New Member
May 20, 2020
Hello all,

I'm new to Proxmox and getting ready to install it on a system with 2x1TB SSDs and 1x2TB SSD. Mostly for a Minecraft server, mail server, Unifi controller, and Nextcloud.

I've read over and over that Proxmox chews through consumer-grade SSDs when used as the boot drive, but I've also read a variety of advice that I was hoping to have confirmed or put to rest:
  • Don't use ZFS because of double writes (once to journal, once to data). To mitigate, I'm planning on using LVM or LVM-thin. TRIM support used to be a factor here, but now that ZFS supports TRIM does this matter as much?
  • Disable high-frequency services like high-availability and excessive logging.
  • Use a larger SSD than necessary as it will have a higher TBW rating. I had originally planned on only using a small portion of one of the 1TB SSDs for the boot partition, but given what I've read I'm now planning on giving it the whole drive.
Do these points hold water? Is any of it outdated/wrong, and are there any other points of advice that would apply in a Proxmox 6.2+ world when it comes to using an SSD as a boot drive?

Thank you in advance!
None of these sounds resonable. If you insist on using an SSD just buy a server grade SSD. If you don't want to pay as much buy a HDD for the PVE Install.
Could you elaborate on what you mean that none of them sound reasonable? What would be so unreasonable about using LVM instead of ZFS? Or are you saying that it won't have much impact on the lifetime of the SSD?