ProxMox 4, SPICE and the Mac


Nov 14, 2010
Hi, has anyone been able to get a SPICE client on a Mac working with PVE containers through the ProxMox Web UI? I am on a MacBook with MacOS Sierra, using Safari or Firefox.

I tried the RemoteViewer app, but it won't open the [virt-viewer] connection file that is downloaded when clicking on the "SPICE" console menu button. I also tried to build a virt-viewer binary with homebrew, but there are compatibility issues with the newest MacOS/XCode versions, it seems.

Happy about any suggestions...
Update: I was trying to use SPICE because the NoVNC terminal doesn't have copy & paste, which is show-stopper when using long and complicated passwords or API keys. Turns out that SPICE / virt-viewer doesn't do copy & paste reliably either on Linux, so I gave up on SPICE.

Instead, what I use is an AppleScript that simulates keystrokes based on the content of the clipboard. So, FWIW, here is the code (for a Safari service):

on run {input, parameters}
    tell application "Safari" to activate
    tell application "System Events"
        set my_string to the clipboard
        keystroke my_string
    end tell
end run

This way, NoVNC became useful again.