[SOLVED] Proxmox 3.4 Connect ISO to VM from command line


Feb 25, 2014

I was wondering if there was a way to connect an ISO to a VM from command line so I can reboot the VM and have it boot from the ISO.

I have a crafted ISO that will auto boot and connect to the network for troubleshooting while I am away from the console.

This way, I can ssh to the system and fix issues - like the recently borked Ubuntu update that rendered a server useless because of a grub-update issue ;).

Can this be done using a qm command?

Joe Giles
Short: RTFM
man qm

There is a qm set for that, yet I strongly suggest to build a netbootable version of your iso and boot it via PXE. This is easier to script and easier to change if you need to change, e.g. uncompress squashfs, change stuff, resquash fs and ready to go. You can control to boot into your system by mac-base pxelinux config which defaults to localboot and only in "do-something-else"-mode boot automatically into netbooted linux.
Hi LnxBil,

This is great! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! Just have to figure out the CLI tools.

Thanks again!