PMMG with Zimbra


New Member
Mar 27, 2020
Hi greate team

Today I have a Zimbra server using an external Anti Spam server for relay and also as my MX, but the administration is very slow and I need them a lot for everything (I don't want anymore). My idea is to use PMMG as an inbound and outbound email (MX 1 too) and to help with the large volume of Spam and Virus. I would like your help in the following configurations:
My scenario: Zimbra is domain @ xxx.yyy.zz
1- In relaying: What do I put?
2- In relay domains: Here I put my Zimbra domain?
3- In transport:
- What do I put in relay domain?
- In host, would it be the IP of my Zimbra server or the server name? (Sorry, I do not understand)
- And use MX for what purpose? It is necessary?

Thank you so much team
If you have only one domain (or all your domains are on the zimbra installation):
* enter the zimbra's hostname (or ip) as default relay in GUI->Configuration->Mail Proxy->Relaying
* add the domain(s) to Relay Domains
* no need to add entries to transport (since the default relay is your zimbra)

- And use MX for what purpose? It is necessary?
use MX is the question whether PMG should do a MX lookup or directly a A lookup i.e. if you enter in default relay (or at the transport level) and have use MX enabled then PMG will lookup the MX for and send mail there if you don't have use MX enabled it will lookup the IP for and send mail there

I hope this explains it!
Hi friend, thanks for you help
I will use the PMMG (Proxmox Mail Gateway) for relay. In the Zimbra MTA I put the PMMG IP and port 26 (as far as I know it is like this). For the PMMG to deliver and receive emails for my domain, is there anything different I need to do as I had previously informed in items 1,2 and 3? Thanks a lot for the help.
Thanks for all support
Hi friend, thanks for you help
I will use the PMMG (Proxmox Mail Gateway) for relay. In the Zimbra MTA I put the PMMG IP and port 26 (as far as I know it is like this). For the PMMG to deliver and receive emails for my domain, is there anything different I need to do as I had previously informed in items 1,2 and 3? Thanks a lot for the help.
Thanks for all support
Sounds about right - as written above - put the zimbra hostname as default relay and add your domains to relay domains - that should be the configuration on PMG's side. Else let your MX record point to PMG so that the mail gets sent there.

After you've configured everything keep an eye on the logs - they should show if everything works as expected