piaf centos-5.0 pbxinaflash 1.4.0-3 amd 64 config pve.auto failed exit code 48


New Member
Sep 7, 2009
Hong Kong

1. I attempted to create a openvz vm for piaf (pbx in a flash) with the centOS 5.0 pbxinaflash 1.4.0-3 64bit openvz template;

* The original template file name was reported by proxmox 1.4 wui that file format not conforming to proxmox spec.; so I simply rename the file; this template can build the piaf in proxmox 1.3)

2. error reported and filed to build, error extracted as follows:

'vzctl create 101 --ostemplate centos-5.0-pbxinaflash_1.4.0-3_amd64 --config pve.auto' failed with exit code 48
tar: Skipping to next header

gzip:stdin: invalid compressed data--crc error

gzip:stdin: invalid compressed data--length errror
tar:Child retured status 1
tar: Error exit delayed from previsous errors
vps-create ERROR: Error in tar -z-xf /var/lib/vz/template/cache-5.0-pbxinaflash_1.4.0-3.amd64.tar.gz
Creation container private area failed

unable to apply VM settings -

* My questions:
a. The above Error looks like a differences in vzrestore vs vzdump -restore tar handling to me, am I right? If so, what can I do?

b. the same renamed template can build vm in proxmox 1.3; I knew that from the 2 posts of Nerd Vittles that the 64 bit build was intended for pve 1.3 and it was commented that the pve 1.4 does not have something the piaf needed. Yet, judging from the date of the Nerd Vittles posting I thought it might just referred to the 1.4 beta), Therefore, I tried this scenario (i.e. build with proxmox 1.4), Should I go back to proxmox 1.3...?
gzip:stdin: invalid compressed data--length errror

The tar file is simply damaged.

a. The above Error looks like a differences in vzrestore vs vzdump -restore tar handling to me, am I right? If so, what can I do?

The file is damaged - I have no idea how that relate to vzdump?

b. the same renamed template can build vm in proxmox 1.3;

I don't believe that - the tar file seeems to have errors.
dietmar, thank you.

the file was corrupted! you are right!

I download the source again, and the vm just run perfectly.

Being a novice does not permit me to be an idiot, blind guessing error messages but not understanding them.

thx again