Physical Disk On VM


New Member
Dec 9, 2013
Hello! First sorry for the English, I'm using google translate.
I use the Proxmox to two years in various customer and would like to know the views of colleagues on the performance of using a direct physical disk in the virtual machine.
I will install Proxmox 3.4 on an HP DL180 server in a 1TB disk and in parallel a RAID 1 of 3 TB via B140i controller. And that RAID will attach the virtual machine that will provide services such as Samba and NFS.
Someone already uses or has used it like? How was the performance?
Thanks for the document. in fact I already have this passtrough solution while working with 2TB and have no problems. I just wanted the view of some colleagues, and you've helped me a lot.

Maybe you should look for Proxmox training in your native language ?

I have not found any official training, only courses with the basics, I already know.
Taking this opportunity, I would like to share the link to the blog I'm riding with all the stuff about Proxmox in Portuguese:
Thanks a lot!