Parallel port problem


New Member
Nov 4, 2010
Hello everybody...
First, congratulations ... I'm having a lot of satisfaction using proxmox ve :D

Now, I have a problem:
in a Dell 2900 server I added a PCI-Express card with a ecp parallel port.
I configured proxmox and qemu to assign the parallel port to a VM Windows XP.
Win XP detect the lpt1 but installs a standard parallel port, not a ecp parallel port.
This is a redirection limit or there are special parameters to configure?

(I need to connect the parallel hardware key of an old program that runs in XP VM)
I tried to install pve-qemu-kvm 0.13.0, but there is no difference on XP VM

for clarity, in the physical PC with the hardware key, the parallel port is detected as ECP, with resources:
I/O interval: 0378-037F
I/O interval: 0778-077F
DMA: 3

while in the XP VM, the "virtual" port is configured with only the I/O interval 0378-037F

I tried a second program, with another hardware key, that did not work (this second hardware key work with sentinel driver); whit pve-qemu-kvm 0.13.0 it working properly...

I check if the problem is in winXP VM side...