I've just upgraded to PVE1.3 running on an IBM x3650.
The server boots up reasonably quickly, but the start up of each openvz host (via /etc/rc2.d/S20vz start_ is taking around 10 mins each. I notice the command it's running is vzquota, eg:
/usr/sbin/vzquota on 105 -r 0 -b 73400420 -B 80740452 -i 14000100 -I 15400100 -e 0 -n 0 -s 0
Doing a strace on that process shows it is busy doing something, but I have no idea why it's taking so long.
The server boots up reasonably quickly, but the start up of each openvz host (via /etc/rc2.d/S20vz start_ is taking around 10 mins each. I notice the command it's running is vzquota, eg:
/usr/sbin/vzquota on 105 -r 0 -b 73400420 -B 80740452 -i 14000100 -I 15400100 -e 0 -n 0 -s 0
Doing a strace on that process shows it is busy doing something, but I have no idea why it's taking so long.