Open Vz Containers Failing


Renowned Member
Nov 12, 2009
Hi Guys,

I Have developed a problem with proxmox 1.5 2.6.24-10-pve

First did i misread, is this version stable i thought so when installing ?

Or should i have installed 2.6.18

Ok the problem im seeing is centos 64 bit machines will not shut down promptly either will they start correctly, sometimes i need to start stop, start stop before the open vz centos machines can boot correctly i have posted in the pbxiaf forum and it seams to be a proxmox problem can anyone shed some light on this and may offer a work around.

Reinstalling is not an option atm for me !
2.6.18 is the most stable openvz (and kvm) release. 2.6.24 was at some point maintained by the openvz team. I'm running 2.6.24-9 myself using debian 4 template without any problems for about ½ a year. But I'll switch to 2.6.18 as soon as I get a replicated hardware setup.
If you can afford a restart of your server see for upgrade instructions to 2.6.18.