Are there any issues with regards to NVidia graphic card in Proxmox?
I will be given a machine which has a graphic card nVidia GTX 1660. Planning to install Proxmox 8.3 which most of the time will run with the monitor off. My usage of PVE will not need any GPU pass-through.
Heard about NVidia cards not recommended in Linux. If there is any troubles, I would look for a used low power AMD graphic card.
EDIT: @alexskysilk answer regarding the of text-only, no GPU usage scenarios
Are there any issues with regards to NVidia graphic card in Proxmox?
I will be given a machine which has a graphic card nVidia GTX 1660. Planning to install Proxmox 8.3 which most of the time will run with the monitor off. My usage of PVE will not need any GPU pass-through.
Heard about NVidia cards not recommended in Linux. If there is any troubles, I would look for a used low power AMD graphic card.
EDIT: @alexskysilk answer regarding the of text-only, no GPU usage scenarios
it'll work just fine out of the box. you wont need to do anything.
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